Thursday, October 6, 2011

Book Buds Field Trip!

Hey everyone.

Yesterday our Book Buds club went on their first field trip! We took a group of 7 students to Bridgeway Pointe. This is an assisted living center connected to Drake Hospital in Hartwell. Our students paired up with a resident or two and read books with them. The room was full of smiles and laughter. Our students enjoyed their visit, and it seemed the residents enjoyed it as well. We will be returning every month to continue the program and further build relationships between the residents and our students. Check out the pictures below from the program!

We would like to send a big thank you to Bridgeway Pointe for having us! Also a big thank you to our volunteers who drove and to those who helped out at the youth center.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WPYC's Fundraising Brunch & Auction!

Hi Folks!

It's almost April, and you know what that means . . . chocolate bunnies and egg hunts! But what, I ask, is better than boiling, dyeing, hiding, and hunting for eggs on a chocolate induced sugar-high? WPYC's Annual Fundraising Brunch and Auction, of course!

Check out the flier below for all the details. Hope to see you there!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Sue Hagedorn Service Award

Click document below for details

If you know someone you'd like to nominate, please download our nomination form.
Hagedorn Award Nomination Form Final  
Download as a Word Document to fill in the form, save it as a PDF, and email the completed form to WPYC's Executive Director at  It's that easy!     

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

WPYC Visits Gold Star Chili

Hey Folks!  Check out some pictures from our visit to Gold Star Chili during the fundraiser.  A special, heartfelt thanks to Gold Star Chili for showing such interest in us and making this fundraiser possible.  You are VERY appreciated!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Gold Star Chili Fundraiser: February 23rd!

Hey everyone!

Please come out and support WPYC by eating at the Gold Star Chili on Mitchell Ave. on February 23rd.  A portion of the proceeds goes directly to WPYC!  Find out all the details by clicking on the flier below!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Gifts from Munninghoff, Lange & Co.!

The staff and students at Winton Place Youth Center would like to offer a big Thank You to the fine people at Munninghoff, Lange & Co.  Their generosity during this holiday season led them to give WPYC numerous gifts, including board games, basketballs, footballs, Barbies, a toaster-oven, a vacuum cleaner, and a blender.  They gave us our own 12 days of Christmas!  We would like to offer a special Thank You to incomparable Bob Barker, who personally arranged this generous act.  Below, you'll find pictures of our students and staff enjoying the gifts!