Highlighting Supporters

Munninghoff Lange St. Bernard's Catholic Church Gold Star Chili Matthew United Church of Christ

WPYC's Visit to Gold Star Chili!

Hey Folks!  Check out some pictures from our visit to Gold Star Chili during the fundraiser.  A special, heartfelt thanks to Gold Star Chili for showing such interest in us and making this fundraiser possible.  You are VERY appreciated!


Gifts from Munninghoff, Lange & Co.

The staff and students at Winton Place Youth Center would like to offer a big Thank You to the fine people at Munninghoff, Lange & Co.  Their generosity during this holiday season led them to give WPYC numerous gifts, including board games, basketballs, footballs, Barbies, a toaster-oven, a vacuum cleaner, and a blender.  They gave us our own 12 days of Christmas!  We would like to offer a special Thank You to incomparable Bob Barker, who personally arranged this generous act.  Below, you'll find pictures of our students and staff enjoying the gifts!


Visit from Gold Star Chili!

I've always liked chili.  Luckily, Cincinnati; Porkopolis U.S.A.; home of the flying pig marathon--where chocolate does double duty as dessert and thickening agent--is famous for the stuff.  Driving through our fair city, you'll find several spots ladling out the hot, savory stew.  Down several spoonfuls of chili, and you'll feel warm and ready to confront Cincinnati's unfriendly winters, with their ice/snow/sleet/hail.

Yesterday, Gold Star Chili reps came to Winton Place Youth Center bearing gifts for our students.  The Christmas gift-bags they distributed were warmly and gratefully received by all our boys and girls.  The staff of WPYC was especially glad to send the kids home for the holidays with a little something special.  Beyond expressing our simple gratitude for this generous act, we'd like to especially thank the management of Gold Star Chili for seeking out local nonprofits and contributing to the work they do.  Gold Star Chili, you rock, and so does your chili!

Below you'll find several pictures of the event: