Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WPYC's Fundraising Brunch & Auction!

Hi Folks!

It's almost April, and you know what that means . . . chocolate bunnies and egg hunts! But what, I ask, is better than boiling, dyeing, hiding, and hunting for eggs on a chocolate induced sugar-high? WPYC's Annual Fundraising Brunch and Auction, of course!

Check out the flier below for all the details. Hope to see you there!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Sue Hagedorn Service Award

Click document below for details

If you know someone you'd like to nominate, please download our nomination form.
Hagedorn Award Nomination Form Final  
Download as a Word Document to fill in the form, save it as a PDF, and email the completed form to WPYC's Executive Director at  It's that easy!     

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

WPYC Visits Gold Star Chili

Hey Folks!  Check out some pictures from our visit to Gold Star Chili during the fundraiser.  A special, heartfelt thanks to Gold Star Chili for showing such interest in us and making this fundraiser possible.  You are VERY appreciated!