Point for Parents Newsletter:
First Issue
First Issue
This year, WPYC is offering several programs to help with a task that sometimes seems impossible:
Obviously, we have lots of good parents at WPYC. How do we know?
We have lots of great kids! But, just as kids need to learn and grow, parents do, too. The WPYC staff is reaching out to parents, so we can all learn and grow together.
Our Points4Parents Viewsletter will allow staff and parents to share points of view and insights related to raising kids. Each viewsletter will be posted on our new website. Check it out at wpyouthcenter.net! We hope you’ll find each issue thought provoking—and let us know what you think!
Blog it!
We know you have expertise and experiences to share. The WPYC staff wants to connect with you! We don’t plan to preach. We want to share ideas. We’ve all listened to enough of the “blah, blah, blah.” So,instead, let’s blog, blog, blog!
Connect at wintonplaceyouthcenter.blogspot.com or visit our new website and click on blog.
Family Friday Nights
Who better to spend Friday nights with than family? Our special Family Friday Night programs will allow kids and adults to come together and deal with top issues—in the most entertaining ways! We’ll have food and fun, yet hit on some critical issues that will make family life easier at home.
Easier said than done!
Our focus this fall will be on ways to help our kids learn to do what they are supposed to do. This includes following rules. The adults’ role in all this is simple, of course. We just set the rules and consequences, then kick-back and get great results. It’s just that easy right? Not. The truth is, we have a lot to talk about and learn.
Starting a Conversation
Please complete the survey on the back of this Viewsletter. Sure. You’ll find a few pointers and helpful reminders about effectively setting rules. But this is also our way of starting a conversation with you. Do you find any of the questions thought-provoking? Tell us and you’ll help determine what topics to cover in the near future.
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